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Connecticut Bar Exam


Format, Content, & Grading of the Connecticut Bar Exam

All data provided below are subject to change by a decision at any time by the Connecticut bar examiners.  When any changes are made, they will be posted on this site.

The Connecticut Bar Exam is a two-day exam -- Wednesday and Thursday -- with the multiple-choice Multistate Bar Exam on Wednesday and the Connecticut essays on Thursday.

First Day (Wednesday) morning session: 
3 hours 
Multistate Bar Examination (MBE)
100 Multiple-Choice questions.

First Day (Wednesday) afternoon session: 
3 hours
Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) 
100 Multiple-Choice questions.

Connecticut will accept MBE scores from other jurisdictions and from prior administrations of the bar examination. Scores are valid for three administrations.

Second Day (Thursday) morning session:  
Six 30-Minute Essay Questions

Second Day (Thursday) afternoon session: 
Six 30-Minute Essay Questions

Subjects Tested on the Connecticut Bar Exam:

MBE Subjects
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law/Procedure
Real Property

Connecticut Essay Subjects
Administrative Law
Business Entities
Civil Procedure
Conflict of Laws
Criminal Law/Procedure
Federal and State Constitutional Law
Professional Responsibility
Uniform Commercial Code

Grading of the Connecticut Bar Exam:

Your essay scores are scaled on the same scaling as the MBE (a low of 0 to a high of 200).

MBE: 50%
Essay scores: 50%

Your scaled MBE and essay scores are then combined to determine who passes.

Connecticut generally releases the results of the Summer exam in mid-October and the results of the Winter exam in mid-May.

*MPRE -- You must receive EITHER a scaled score of 80 on the MPRE or a grade of C or better or "Pass" in a law-school ethics course within four years of sitting for the Connecticut Bar Exam.

Connecticut Bar Exam Details

Admission on Motion 
(i.e., without having to sit for the bar exam)

1. You must be a graduate of an ABA-accredited law school (or of Massachusetts School of Law or Southern New England Law School).

2. You must be admitted to the bar of another jurisdiction.

3. The other jurisdiction must have a similar policy by which Connecticut attorneys can be admitted without taking that jurisdiction's bar exam.

Connecticut Motion Admission   

For further information, contact:

Connecticut Bar Examining Committee
100 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Telephone: 860-706-5135

Exam Dates:

Winter 2007
Wednesday and Thursday, 
February 28 & March 1, 2007

Summer 2007
Wednesday and Thursday, 
July 25 & 26, 2007

Future Dates: 
February 27 & 28, 2008
July 30 & 31, 2008


Application Checklist

Filing deadlines and fees are subject to change.  Contact the Connecticut Bar Examining Committee to learn the rules in effect at the time of your application.

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