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New Mexico Bar Exam


Format, Content, & Grading of the New Mexico Bar Exam





All data provided below are subject to change by a decision at any time by the New Mexico Board of Bar Examiners.  When any changes are made, they will be posted on this site.

The New Mexico Bar Exam is a two-day exam -- Tuesday and Wednesday -- with the essays and performance questions on Tuesday and the multiple-choice Multistate Bar Exam on Wednesday.

First Day (Tuesday):  
Six Essay Questions
Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test (MPT) questions
For details on the MPT, click here.

Second Day (Wednesday) morning session: 
3 hours 
Multistate Bar Examination (MBE)
100 Multiple-Choice questions.

Second Day (Wednesday) afternoon session: 
3 hours
Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) 
100 Multiple-Choice questions.

New Mexico requires that you sit for the MBE as part of the New Mexico bar exam. New Mexico does NOT accept your score from an MBE taken in another jurisdiction.

For further details on the MBE, click here.

Subjects Tested on the New Mexico Bar Exam:

MBE Subjects

Constitutional Law
Criminal Law/Procedure
Real Property

New Mexico Essay Subjects
Administrative Law
Civil Procedure/Federal Jurisdiction
Commercial Paper
Conflict of Laws
Domestic Relations
Legal Ethics
New Mexico Community Property Law
Personal Property
Secured Transactions
Wills & Trusts
Federal Indian Law
Federal Personal Income Tax
Plus the six MBE subjects

Grading of the New Mexico Bar Exam:

New Mexico grades your essays and the MPT and converts the total raw score to a scaled score on the same scaling as the MBE (i.e., low of 0, high of 200).

The essay/MPT combination is worth 50%.  The MBE is worth the other 50%.

The two scaled scores are averaged.  If the average is 130 or higher (for instance, a 125 on the MBE and a 138 on the combined essay/MPT day), you pass the New Mexico Bar Exam.

New Mexico generally releases the results of the Summer exam in late September and the results of the Winter exam in late April.

New Mexico Bar Exam Details

Admission on Motion 
(i.e., without having to sit for the bar exam)

New Mexico does NOT permit admission on motion.  

To be admitted to the New Mexico bar, you must take and pass the New Mexico bar exam. 

For further information, contact:

NM Board of Bar Examiners
9420 Indian School Road, N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Telephone: 505-271-9706
Fax: 505-271-9768


Exam Dates, Location:

Winter 2007
Tuesday and Wednesday, 
February 27 and 28, 2007

Summer 2007

Tuesday and Wednesday, 
July 24 and 25, 2007

Filing Deadlines and Fees:

Filing deadlines and fees are subject to change.  Contact the New Mexico Board of Bar Examiners to learn the rules in effect at the time of your application.

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